Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day #10...

 I can't believe that I have been here for 10 days already, it's gone by pretty fast.  I had a few contractions at the end of when I could be taken off the monitor.  So I stayed on for a little longer and they got worse and worse so I got the shot again and had to stay on for another hour.  I pretty much just laid in bed with monitors attached, crochet some burp cloths and played my ds.  Then I got a headache so I fell asleep for about 3 hours.  It felt so nice to actually sleep and not get interrupted by the nurses, well at least I didn't hear them if they did come in.  Some nurses are really nice and let me sleep and other nurses just flip the lights on and talk in their normal voices.  
My parents came to see me after my nap, they bought me a cover for the car seat.  It's so cute!!  I also got to see my uncle Tod Oman that I haven't seen since my wedding, he lives in California and we don't get to see him very often.  I have only seen him 2 times that I can remember my whole life.  The whole clan came with Tod... Carrie, Kim, Jordan, Nick, Cara, Jenna, Danielle and Heather.  It was fun to reminisce about camping and other family things we have done in the past.

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