Sunday, November 04, 2007

What did we do in March?

First, St. Louis

Randy and I went to St. Louis with my dad, mom, cousin Jessica and her husband Scot. This was a business trip so we didn't have too much time to visit the town. But we did get to see the Gateway Arch. It was so tall...I was so scared. You ride this cart up to the top then you practically crawl along the top of it look out then ride back down. Okay so I exaggerated a little you can walk but there really wasn't much to see. We saw the city and that's about it. I was more freaked out then anything.

Second, Sunday dinner & Celebrating Caden's 8th birthday

We go up to my parent's house for dinner on sundays. It's so nice to catch up on what we had all done the week before. This weekend was extra special! It was Caden's 8th birthday. We all watched him open presents. Then we ate the dessert that he wanted (something that had to do with butterfinger). My mom is so nice to ask us what we want for our cake! Even if she doesn't like it.

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

I love all of your new posts! It's good to get an update on everything you guys are doing. I can't believe how big your brother and sister are getting! Crazy. They are so cute! As are you and Randy of course!